This would make me want to read my own book


I have said it before, and I will say it again, marketing your own books as a self-published author is about as enjoyable as sticking needles under your fingernails. While the obsessive desire to create is always at the forefront of our brains, the necessity to get our names into the real world is onerous.

I have been very present on my social media platforms and prepared myself for a few bouts with the primate on MailChimp, but I was keen to find other avenues that would allow me to get my stories out into the world without feeling like I was shoving myself down my friend’s throats.

Navigating markets outside of the Canadian border is daunting but, as I recently discovered, readily attainable. The website has been a blessing. Not only have I had the great fortune of finding two highly creative book cover designers, but I also happened upon this talented fellow who has created an ad that will be broadcast to the US through iHeart Radio. Gaining any sort of momentum in the States would be amazing, and I love what he has done. Click below to listen to the ad.

Rome was not built in a day and I have no misconceived notions that I will be a household name any time soon, if ever. But, if I keep my eyes on the prize, and put in every effort required to succeed, it may happen for me. I just have to keep the faith, and be willing to do whatever it takes to get my books, and my name, out into the world.

This old dog is trying to learn new tricks


I have a creative brain. I can make up stories with the best of them, but when I am tasked with complicated steps that will help market my books beyond my being annoying on my social media platforms, the creative part of my brain atrophies, and I am left with a vacant space in my head.

This post, for me, is a bit contradictory. In my early twenties, I was ready to live in the big city, and I was seeking a career in Marketing. Now, thirty-plus years later, I am stymied by the fact that my early career choice is lending no help whatsoever to my desperate need to find new and creative ways to make people aware of my book series, and the first two books that are currently available on Amazon. If there were ever a moment in my life I felt like a dog chasing its tail, this is it.

But this old dog is tenacious, and willing to lose a few precious hours of sleep while learning some new tricks. I’ve mastered sit, and stay, while I continually punch the letters on my keyboard to write the next book in the series but mastering the agility course required to properly market a book will take a few more trial runs before I am happy with my score.

My canine persona is currently attempting to make friends with the primate at Mailchimp, and, although we have acclimated, that monkey is not shy about touting its intelligence and reminding me that mine pales in comparison.

Over the next few weeks, I will beat that monkey into submission and begin sending monthly newsletters that will forward updates about my new book releases, my favorite lines from my books, and snippets of stories to come. Sign up through the contact page on my website to follow the journey of The RELATIVE Series, and the dog who is eager to master all its new tricks.

My second baby is home

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It’s one thing to write a book. The sense of accomplishment when two magic words appear on the last page is overwhelming. I enjoy following writing groups on social media and share the euphoria of other writers when they post their photos of their computer screen with the words ‘the end’ typed in capital letters. That photo usually contains their celebratory drink of choice.

But it is something else entirely when you first hold a published copy of your book. I’ve likened writing a book to birthing a child. After many months of creating something amazing, holding that baby in your arms for the first time is extremely emotional.

I had a rough start to my day yesterday, but that feeling of discontent was washed away by the flood of pride I felt when my second book was delivered, and was in my hands for the first time. The joy I felt increased exponentially as my readers began to excitedly post pictures on social media of their copies of my book. The support I have received has been truly amazing. I’m looking forward to experiencing this rush of emotion again when book baby number three is brought into the world in August!

One Eleven


Hooray, hooray, the 2nd of May, my second book is on Amazon today!

If I am being honest, One Eleven went live on Amazon yesterday, but I wanted to officially announce the publishing date I had in mind that was much more significant. Having my second book come out on the second day of the month is one thing but having One Eleven come out one hundred and eleven days after my first book is special.

Self-publishing through KDP and having a specific launch date is tough. When you are brave enough to press the upload button to deliver your manuscript to Amazon for approval, they advise the process could take up to seventy-two hours. Not wanting to miss the window of my preferred date, I uploaded the over ninety thousand words I had written and was notified twenty-four hours later that my second book was available for purchase.

As much as I love to describe things with a plethora of words and phrases, I can not find one word or phrase that accurately describes what it is like to take a whisper of an idea and craft it into a full novel. I can only hope the writing gods will continue to look favorably upon me as I follow my journey publishing book three later this year and writing books four, five, and six in The RELATIVE Series.