Choose your words wisely


There is a myriad of words in the English language to choose from that will accurately portray feelings.  We must go gently into that good thesaurus to succinctly define our emotions.  Words can embody beauty and timelessness, but words can also be weapons.  Words can sting and they can leave scars if not used properly.

The word “hate” is a word I try to use as little as possible.  There are very few things in this world I can honestly say I hate.  There are many things I dislike, even dislike intensely, but hate is such an absolute word and it delivers a large impact for such a small word.  If I am vehemently against something, I will do my utmost to modify my language before I allow that powerful four letter word to escape my lips.  The word hate, to me, is like nails on a chalkboard.


(photo credit –

Feeling an extreme aversion to something is a normal human experience.  I have an immense distaste for liver and onions, but I have found many other ways to discuss my negative feelings about the memories of those dinners served long ago rather than use the word hate.

I hear the word hate tossed around so casually and wonder if the people using that figure of speech understand how harsh a word it truly is.   I’m sure if I looked through a magic crystal ball, I would see myself in public school using the word hate several times, not truly comprehending the consequence of using such a powerful expression.  Hate conjures feelings of bitterness and rage in the person using it and elicits sadness and depression in the person receiving it.

Hate is like a virus that slowly spreads through us and pollutes our emotions.  I have the misfortune of feeling that hatred for one person that has affected my life, or more so the life of my brother.  It was twenty-two years ago and that horrible emotion still bubbles to the surface when I think of her.  That one person made me realize the overwhelming feeling associated with that tiny word and she is the only person that embodies the emotion associated with the intense dislike it defines.

Words can be beautiful, but words can also be ammunition.  If misused, those words can cause a great deal of pain and affect people long after those idioms have been uttered.  Each of us has the power to keep our weapon of language holstered – choose your words wisely.

23 thoughts on “Choose your words wisely

  1. On the scale of things though what is the difference between intensely dislike and hate for example. If you was having a conversation with someone about liver and onions (Which I like by the way :)) and you said.

    “I intensely dislike liver and onions”
    They state “so you have liver and onions”
    “No, I intensely dislike them”
    “What the difference”
    What would you answer be? (I am honestly curious as to how you see the difference)

    I agree with you though there are words that are bandied around way too often, Love and Friend are two that I most notice.

    • I see your point. Perhaps I should have said I have an immense aversion to ingesting liver and onions. Using the term immensely dislike describes the same emotion, which sometimes cannot be avoided. I just don’t like using the word hate. To me, it is like nails on a chalkboard.

      • 😀 that’s fair enough, so it is really just a personal thing, I must admit it is a strong word, but I think people just use it because it is short and it flows and it is easier to say I hate X rather than “I don’t think X is very nice”. doesn’t make it right, but I think that is the reason,

    • I have updated the wording on the post regarding my thoughts about liver and onions. My mom used to try to disguise the dinner by serving it with bacon. For years after that, the smell of bacon made me think of those dinners I didn’t want to remember!! It was always my dad’s favorite meal. I could never understand why. 🙂

      • It is a erm… love or hate thing (sorry), I couldn’t eat it all the time and I intensely dislike 🙂 most other offal.

  2. Words only affect you in the way you let them. Everyone has a different perspective on what things mean. To me words are just that words. It’s actions that mean something to me.

  3. Timely post. Point well taken. I have a frou-year-old neighborhood boy who monitors my speech for the word “killing.” I have a habit of saying You’re killing me to people I think are funny, but Oscar always stops me with We don’t say kill at our house. Good parents.

  4. I admit I’ve been thinking about the word “hate” recently, then I found my way here to read words that spoke to me. Thanks!

    On the flip side, as someone who is trying to learn to use words more effectively, I’ve also wanted to reduce my usage of the word “love.” Do I really love my iPad? It feels too powerful of a word for that. I’m striving to make the words I use be more accurate. If we use words casually then they will soon casually lose their meaning.

    I also tend to exaggerate and I’m working on that, too.

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